MC: PK ha terminado hace un año?HJ: Para ser precisos, ha sido de 1 año y un mes (después de mirar su reloj un poco triste)MC: Eso precisa, Gracias.
MC: Al igual que siempre y cuando KHJ abrir la boca, no tiene por qué importa lo que dijo que los fans estarán muy contentos. ¿Qué hay de JSM?MM: A pesar de que han asistido al evento una vez en Osaka, pero todavía se siente muy nervioso. Se me permite hacer pequeños errores, espero que todos me perdonen.MC: Sra. SM parece más delgado que en el PK ahoraMM: ¿Podría ser que he envejecido, la carne en mis mejillas se afloje un poco.Siempre comer delante de los demás, lo mismo cuando estoy solo, así que me he convertido en lo que soy ahora. (SM no es viejo aún y se echó a reír a la audiencia)MC: HJ ¿cómo te sientes de saber que usted estará actuando en este drama de la TV?HJ: Porque antes de PK que he actuado en BOF, por lo que se siente muy indeciso si actuamos en otro personaje manga chica adolescente, pero me enteré de que las niñas moda para estos manga 2 es similar a los chicos el amor de "Dragon Ball" o "Slam Dunk ", por así ser capaz de actuar en dos favoritos adolescente manga chicas me siento muy honrado.
MC: ¿Qué se siente al actuar como Hani, que no se detendría ante nada para alcanzar su meta?MM: Cuando actúa I se convirtió en realidad por su carácter valiente y optimista.Aunque el proceso de filmación es muy duro, pero debido a que actúan como un carácter alegre, sin saberlo, me había convertido en muy alegre.MC: Cuando en la universidad japonesa y el deporte tu fuerte?MM: Yo aprendí japonés después de la escuela secundaria después de dramas de televisión y películas por mi cuenta, que para mi fuerte aún es pronto para decir ...
(No estoy seguro si esto viene en donde dijo que estos MM)MM: Una gran cantidad de sueño, sin maquillaje, así es como la tez será buenoMM le gusta el color azul
Acerca de cuál es la escena más memorable de la PKHJ: La escena más impresionante es el beso bajo la lluvia. No había agua suficiente y tienen que completar en una sola toma.MC: No NGHJ: Precisamente es así, no hay gas natural, pensando que será una escena muy bella e intensa besos.MC: ¿Qué hay de la Sra. SM?MM: También que besar escena, no me sentía bien ese día, a veces me provoca tos y NG ... se sienten muy disculpas a todo el mundo. Estaba pensando si puede ser completada a principios. En Corea, cuando no se siente bien podemos utilizar una aguja para pinchar el dedo para liberar la sangre, así que le pregunté el sonido-el hombre que me ayude con eso.
MC: Cuando en Osaka HJ ha dicho que si la novia no puede cocinar irá a buscar comida?HJ (sonriendo dulcemente): Es el siglo 21 ahora, podemos usar la clase de servicios diversos. Si hay alguien que acompañe en la vida no es eso mejor? Si desea cocinar para su novio, pero después de un año y se sienten molestos, que es el momento de hacer uso de restaurantes y vivir felices, ¿no es mejor? Si todos piensan lo mismo que yo, por favor, la sonrisa de un tiempo. (Mi nota: en otra traducción, aquí el que levanten la mano si la audiencia está de acuerdo con lo que dijo HJ)
MC: SM, como Jo Seung Joon o Gu? (A la pregunta de un fan)MM:. Ammm ... Bong Jo Seung (combinación de Oficina de Normas y BJG Cómo ingenioso?)
MC: Es SM y Ni Ha iguales? Le vas a gustar a alguien como Oficina de Normas a pesar de que es muy guapo, pero con un carácter muy introvertido?MM: Desde un cierto punto ella es realmente una niña muy valiente, sin miedo y ella es sólo seguir adelante. Yo no creo que pueda hacerlo, tengo miedo de hacerse daño, pero si en mi vida cuando me encontré con el verdadero amor, que es muy importante que yo transmita mis sentimientos adecuadamente.
Sobre el episodio 1 cuando SJ devolver la carta de amor a HNMM: Todo el mundo se siente muy mal por mí, pero SJ, también es humano y también es muy lamentable.
Acerca de cumpleañosMM dijo de inmediato: la sopa de KelpHJ: TortaMC: sopa de mamá kelp (Aquí necesidad de completar algunos detalles, el MC tuvo una conversación anterior con MM backstage, MM le dijo que ella está comiendo las almendras a su mamá sacó el año pasado todos los días, de tal manera que el MC se puede sentir lo cerca que está con su mamá y por eso se mencionó la sopa de mamá algas.)HJ aquí en este momento, dijo sin pensarlo: Porque yo estoy viviendo solo.
Acerca Oh Ha NiMM: Mi drama anterior se con los de una diferencia de edad más amplio, muy contento de que éste estaba con los más cercanos a mi edad.MM escribió el nombre de KHJ en Corea, pero el MC dijo que está mal.HJ se preguntaba con ansiedad: Oh Ha Ni? (Lo dijo tres veces, porque él no puede resolver esto uno)MC: Te has olvidado?MM dando pistas a HJ: Piense simplemente. Es muy sencillo! Es muy sencillo!HJ sacudir la cabeza y muy pronto tenemos la respuesta: lo he escritoAmbos revelan su respuesta: Oficina de Normas (el público aplaudía)HJ: de mucho pensarlo, yo estaba pensando que SM escribir Oficina de Normas o necio?MM dijo que es sencillo que quiere decir que la Oficina de Normas.
Acerca de Baek Seung JoMM: GeniusHJ: IQ200MC: Finalmente las dos respuestas son las mismas. De 6 preguntas 3 son los mismos. Completamente diferente de la serie de Osaka ..... pero todavía tiene que ir a través del tiempo perderá.
Continuará .....
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011
PK traslation 2 en español
playful kiss
PK traslation 2
MC: PK has completed a year ago?
HJ : To be precise, it has been 1 year and a month (after looking at his watch somewhat sadly)
MC : That precise, Thank you.
MC: Just as long as KHJ open his mouth, need not care what’s said fans will be very happy. How about JSM?
MM: Although I have attended the event once in Osaka but still feel very nervous. I may make little mistakes, hope everyone will forgive me.
MC: Ms SM seem thinner than in PK now
MM : Could be that I’ve aged, the flesh on my cheeks are a little loosen. I always eat in front of others, same when I’m alone, so I’ve become how I am now. (SM isn’t old yet and the audience laughed)
MC: HJ how do you feel on knowing you will be acting in this TV drama?
HJ: Because before PK I’ve acted in BOF, so was feeling quite indecisive whether to act in another teen girl manga character but I heard that girls’ craze for these 2 manga is similar to guys' love for “Dragon Ball” or “Slam Dunk” so to be able to act in 2 teen girls manga favorites I feel very honoured.
MC: What is it like to act as the HaNi who would not stop at anything to reach her goal?
MM: When acting I was really converted by her brave and optimistic character. Although the filming process is very hard but because of acting such a happy character, unknowingly I had also become very cheerful.
MC: When in university was Japanese and sports your forte?
MM: I learned Japanese after High School then from TV dramas and movies on my own, as for my forte it’s still early to say …
(Not sure when this comes in where MM said these)
MM: A lot of sleep, no make-up, that’s how complexion will be good
MM likes the colour blue
About which is the most memorable scene in PK
HJ: Most impressive scene is the kiss in the rain. There wasn’t enough water and have to complete at one take.
HJ: Precisely so, no NG, thinking it will be a very beautiful and intense kissing scene.
MC: How about Ms SM?
MM: Also that kissing scene, I wasn’t feeling well that day, sometimes I’d cough and causes NG... feel very apologetic to everyone. I was thinking if it can be completed early. In Korea, when not feeling well we can use a needle to prick the finger to release blood, so I asked the sound-man to help me with it.
MC: When at Osaka HJ ever said that if girlfriend can’t cook will go out for food?
HJ (smiling sweetly): It’s the 21st century now, we can use various sort of services. If there’s someone to accompany in life isn’t that better? If want to cook for your boyfriend but after a year and feel troublesome, that’s when to make use of restaurants and live happily, isn’t it better? If everyone feel the same way as me, please smile a while. (My note: in another translation, here its to raise their hands if the audience agree with what HJ said)
MC: SM like Seung Jo or Joon Gu? (A question from a fan)
MM: Ammm….Bong Seung Jo (Combination of BSJ and BJG? How witty)
MC: Is SM and Ha Ni alike? Will you like someone like BSJ although he is very handsome but with a very introvert character?
MM: From a certain degree she’s really a very brave girl, she's unafraid and just go ahead. I don't think I can do so, I’m afraid of getting hurt, but if in my life when I found true love, it’s very important that I’d convey my feeling properly.
About episode 1 when SJ return the love letter to HN
MM: Everybody feel very sorry for me but SJ is also human and is also very pitiful.
About birthday
MM immediately said : Kelp soup
HJ : Cake
MC: Mum's kelp soup (Here need to fill in some details, the MC had a chat earlier with MM backstage, MM told her that she's eating the almonds her Mum plucked from last year daily, such that the MC can feel how close is she with her Mum and that's why she mentioned Mum's seaweed soup.)
Here HJ at this moment said without a thought : Because I'm living alone.
About Oh Ha Ni
MM: My earlier drama were with those of a wider age difference, very happy that this one was with those closer to my age.
MM wrote KHJ's name in Korean but the MC said it's wrong.
HJ kept asking anxiously : Oh Ha Ni? (he said it 3 times because he can't figure this one out)
MC: You have forgotten?
MM giving hints to HJ: Think simply. It's simple! It's simple!
HJ shake his head and very quickly have the answer : I've written it
Both reveal their answer : BSJ (the audience clapped)
HJ: Thought much, I was thinking will SM write BSJ or a fool?
MM said it's simple that's to say it's BSJ.
About Baek Seung Jo
MM: Genius
HJ: IQ200
MC: Finally both answers are the same. Out of 6 questions 3 are the same. Entirely different from the Osaka show.....but still have to go thru forfeit time.
To be continued .....
HJ : To be precise, it has been 1 year and a month (after looking at his watch somewhat sadly)
MC : That precise, Thank you.
MC: Just as long as KHJ open his mouth, need not care what’s said fans will be very happy. How about JSM?
MM: Although I have attended the event once in Osaka but still feel very nervous. I may make little mistakes, hope everyone will forgive me.
MC: Ms SM seem thinner than in PK now
MM : Could be that I’ve aged, the flesh on my cheeks are a little loosen. I always eat in front of others, same when I’m alone, so I’ve become how I am now. (SM isn’t old yet and the audience laughed)
MC: HJ how do you feel on knowing you will be acting in this TV drama?
HJ: Because before PK I’ve acted in BOF, so was feeling quite indecisive whether to act in another teen girl manga character but I heard that girls’ craze for these 2 manga is similar to guys' love for “Dragon Ball” or “Slam Dunk” so to be able to act in 2 teen girls manga favorites I feel very honoured.
MC: What is it like to act as the HaNi who would not stop at anything to reach her goal?
MM: When acting I was really converted by her brave and optimistic character. Although the filming process is very hard but because of acting such a happy character, unknowingly I had also become very cheerful.
MC: When in university was Japanese and sports your forte?
MM: I learned Japanese after High School then from TV dramas and movies on my own, as for my forte it’s still early to say …
(Not sure when this comes in where MM said these)
MM: A lot of sleep, no make-up, that’s how complexion will be good
MM likes the colour blue
About which is the most memorable scene in PK
HJ: Most impressive scene is the kiss in the rain. There wasn’t enough water and have to complete at one take.
HJ: Precisely so, no NG, thinking it will be a very beautiful and intense kissing scene.
MC: How about Ms SM?
MM: Also that kissing scene, I wasn’t feeling well that day, sometimes I’d cough and causes NG... feel very apologetic to everyone. I was thinking if it can be completed early. In Korea, when not feeling well we can use a needle to prick the finger to release blood, so I asked the sound-man to help me with it.
MC: When at Osaka HJ ever said that if girlfriend can’t cook will go out for food?
HJ (smiling sweetly): It’s the 21st century now, we can use various sort of services. If there’s someone to accompany in life isn’t that better? If want to cook for your boyfriend but after a year and feel troublesome, that’s when to make use of restaurants and live happily, isn’t it better? If everyone feel the same way as me, please smile a while. (My note: in another translation, here its to raise their hands if the audience agree with what HJ said)
MC: SM like Seung Jo or Joon Gu? (A question from a fan)
MM: Ammm….Bong Seung Jo (Combination of BSJ and BJG? How witty)
MC: Is SM and Ha Ni alike? Will you like someone like BSJ although he is very handsome but with a very introvert character?
MM: From a certain degree she’s really a very brave girl, she's unafraid and just go ahead. I don't think I can do so, I’m afraid of getting hurt, but if in my life when I found true love, it’s very important that I’d convey my feeling properly.
About episode 1 when SJ return the love letter to HN
MM: Everybody feel very sorry for me but SJ is also human and is also very pitiful.
About birthday
MM immediately said : Kelp soup
HJ : Cake
MC: Mum's kelp soup (Here need to fill in some details, the MC had a chat earlier with MM backstage, MM told her that she's eating the almonds her Mum plucked from last year daily, such that the MC can feel how close is she with her Mum and that's why she mentioned Mum's seaweed soup.)
Here HJ at this moment said without a thought : Because I'm living alone.
About Oh Ha Ni
MM: My earlier drama were with those of a wider age difference, very happy that this one was with those closer to my age.
MM wrote KHJ's name in Korean but the MC said it's wrong.
HJ kept asking anxiously : Oh Ha Ni? (he said it 3 times because he can't figure this one out)
MC: You have forgotten?
MM giving hints to HJ: Think simply. It's simple! It's simple!
HJ shake his head and very quickly have the answer : I've written it
Both reveal their answer : BSJ (the audience clapped)
HJ: Thought much, I was thinking will SM write BSJ or a fool?
MM said it's simple that's to say it's BSJ.
About Baek Seung Jo
MM: Genius
HJ: IQ200
MC: Finally both answers are the same. Out of 6 questions 3 are the same. Entirely different from the Osaka show.....but still have to go thru forfeit time.
To be continued .....
[News] Vietnamese fans spent almost 10 thousands dollars to donate for Operation Smile Fund at Kim Hyun Joong's TFS Fansign event

After saying hello to the fans and watching the performances of TripleS – the winner of TFS Contest, he was taking picture and signing for them. Then, the auction started . 3 Life size Standees of Kim Hyun Joong with his signature and HJ’s T-shirt, which he wore to playing football were brought on stage to sell. And in just few minutes, 3 Life Size Standees are sold at high price, in 9,500,000 VND ~ 11,500,000 VND. Surprisingly, a fans bought HJ’s T-shirt with a very high price, 19,000,000! Total amount received from the auction is 206.000.000 VND (≈ 9.800 USD) will be given to the Children Smile fund.
Lastly, he said that he will come back to Vietnam again next year to hold his first solo concert.
credit:Kathy bench
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